Earn as much as $50 - $100 daily writing articles/stories from the comfort of your home

Earn as much as $50 to $100 daily for writing articles/stories from the comfort of your home, from what ever part of the world that you are living . 

We are an online publishing and print media company that currently have opening(s) for interested individuals who possess great writing skills on different subjects. It’s a guaranteed, flexible (work from home and whenever you want to work scheme) and we pay via: PayPal, checks and wire transfer only

Interested applicant should send their response in the template provided below, and send same to Matrixprint3@gmail.com

Country of residence.
Telephone Number
Email address
Genre (Genre you want to be writing on)

Shortlisted applicant(s) will be contacted via email. 

Please do know that it’s not a salary, but commission paying job, and the commission accrued to you will be paid immediately your story / article is accepted for publication, which will be first discussed with you.

Thank you
