5 Common Food Recipes That Can kill If Unprofessionally Handled

These food are mostly encountered in our garden or grocery stores, so when next you go to your or any garden or perhaps a grocery store to pick up this food substance Others, don’t just pick and prepare them to eat, some, because you really won’t enjoy the outcome, some of this food need professional handling.

1. Cassava
Cassava is a brown root that is commonly grown in Brazil and West Africa.
The cooked root is delicious, but the raw root contains several different types of cyanide. If it is improperly prepared it is quite poisonous. Cassava is a vegetable that is probably best left to people who know what they are doing.

2. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are also on the list of toxic foods we love. Tomatoes are members of the nightshade family along with eggplants, potatoes, and belladonna. The plant parts of all contain solanine, an alkaloid that in high enough doses can cause gastrointestinal symptoms, hallucinations, paralysis and death.
Don’t eat the leaves and stems of tomato, potato or eggplants. Some people who are sensitive to solanine should avoid eating produce in the nightshade family. Green potatoes contain elevated levels of solanine, so avoid those.

3. Mushrooms
Most people know not to eat wild mushrooms! If you don’t, here’s a hint. Don’t eat wild mushrooms. Even experts can mistake good, healthy mushrooms for deadly ones, so stick with the grocery store offerings. Poisonous mushrooms contain toxins like orellanine, gyromitrin, and alpha-amanitin. Basically, if you get a poisonous mushroom, cooked or uncooked, you may die of liver failure. If you survive, you may need a new liver. It doesn’t take much.

4. Apple Seeds and Cherry, Apricot and Peach Pits
Apple seeds are a bit easier to eat than cherry, apricot or peach pits but eating too many of any of these seeds can be toxic. These seeds contain amygdalin. If you digest them, particularly if they are chewed, amygdalin becomes hydrogen cyanide. This is very poisonous.

5. Bitter Almonds
There are two different types of almond trees. The sweet almond is where we get our almonds. The bitter almond is a very pretty tree with poisonous nuts. The nuts from the bitter almond are full of cyanide, a deadly poison. It is illegal to buy raw, untreated bitter almonds in the US. Make sure you know which almond you are picking and eating!
